BongaModels Mobile App

How to install Bongamodels mobile app? Download for Android (5.0 +)

Instruction for installing the app on mobile devices using Android (5.0 and above).

The application can only be downloaded for mobile devices running on Android.

Before downloading

Before downloading BongaModels Mobile App to your mobile device, make sure to allow installation of applications from unknown sources.

To do this, go to your phone security settings: Settings > Security. Find an item called > Unknown sources and allow installation of applications.

Your mobile device is now ready to install BongaModels Mobile App.

%m1%NB!%m2% Security settings can vary slightly on different Android versions. If you have any questions, please go right ahead and contact our support service. We will be happy to help.


In the window that appears press "Install". After that, the app will start installing on your mobile device. At the end of the installation process, the BongaModels app icon will appear on your mobile device's desktop.

Getting Started

Open the BongaModels app on your mobile device. A login form will appear. Enter your login name, the password and press "Log in" to confirm. Check the "Remember me" box if in future you wish to log in without entering the login-password combination again.

After logging in to your account, allow the app camera and mic access on your device by pressing "Allow" in the windows that appear.

Wait for an internet connection check to finish. As soon as an internet connection is established, the "Start streaming" button will become active and the mobile app will be fully ready to use. To learn about all the features of the BongaModels Mobile App and launch a live stream press the "Start streaming" button.

Should you have any questions, please contact our support service: our specialists will be happy to help.